10/16: Franconia “Presents for Panthers” Holiday Gift Drive Due by Dec. 9

10/16: Franconia “Presents for Panthers” Holiday Gift Drive Due by Dec. 9

“Presents for Panthers” is the theme of our holiday gift drive this year in partnership with Bush Hill Elementary School.

This year’s school sponsorship will be Bush Hill Elementary. Please participate in the NOW Ministry’s Virtual “Presents for Bush Hill Panthers” campaign through email. (This replaces our tradition of the Christmas tree with tags on it in Cokesbury Hall.)

We are collecting $25 gift card donations from so parents in need may purchase presents for their children. Gift cards from the following merchants are appreciated so that parents may purchase appropriate items (clothing, toys, etc.):

  • Walmart
  • Target
  • Amazon.com
  • VISA
  • American Express

Please keep the amount of each card you donate to $25 only in order for us to support as many individuals as possible. You are welcome to donate more than one card.

Either drop off or mail gift cards before December 9. The cards will be delivered to Bush Hill Elementary’s staff social worker, who will oversee distribution to their families in need:

  • US Mail: Franconia UMC, Attention: Ann Wilkie, 6037 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310
  • Drop off: Please coordinate your drop off time with Ann by calling 703.822.3609 or emailing her at gro.cmuainocnarf@eciffohcruhc