Posts from November 2023

Posts from November 2023

Women’s Bible Study – Advent Season Study

We hope some new friends would like to come and join in the conversation about how our Methodist roots shape our understanding of Advent and Christmas. We will have a conversation group from 11am to 1pm on Thursdays, December 7 and 14 and January 4 and 11. We will meet in Cokesbury room 304 through Cokesbury Door 5. To guide our conversation, we will be enjoying the video presentations from Almost Christmas. Please email Heather at moc.oohay@cgppuh for questions.

Parents Night Out – Saturday, December 16th

Parents Night Out will be Saturday, December 16th from 4pm to 7pm. We’re leaning into the Christmas season with pizza, Christmas games, a Christmas craft, and, of course, a Christmas movie! Parents/guardians/trusted adults can sign up here with your name and the number of children coming. The cost will be $20 per child, which you can pay by cash/check when you arrive, or online via our e-giving by clicking on Youth Fundraiser. This fundraiser goes to support the Youth for…

Gift Cards for Franconia Elementary School

The NOW Committee is collecting $25 gift cards (Target, Walmart, Amazon) to give to families in need that attend Franconia Elementary School. Currently, we need 48 gift cards for 30 families.  These gift cards will help enable local families to share in the joy this holiday season and there are many ways to donate.  Cards may be dropped off on Sundays in Cokesbury Hall (there will be a designated basket), placed in the NOW mailbox in the church office hallway, or mailed…

Coffee and Conversation – November 26

Coffee and Conversation  If you are a Christian, you probably know the value of being a generous person. But what does generosity really look like? Why is it so important to God? This is what our theme video on generosity is all about: God is a generous God, but throughout the Bible, humans hoard God’s good gifts. Grab a cup of coffee Sunday, November 26th, and join us in the small kitchen from 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. as we discuss…

Community Thanksgiving Meals – THANK YOU!

So much to be THANKFUL for as we distributed 150 Thanksgiving meals to members in our community. Thank you to all who contributed money, time, and talent to make the event a success.  We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! May your Thanksgiving holiday be full of both thanks and giving.

Coffee and Conversation – Sunday, November 19

Coffee and Conversation  Grab a steaming cup of coffee and a snack between services and join us for Coffee and Conversation in the Small Kitchen (lower level of the church in the Admin wing) from 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. this Sunday, November 19th. John begins his book by introducing Jesus as the source of all life. He goes on to support this claim by sharing eyewitness accounts of Jesus giving life to others through his miraculous signs and teachings. These…

Greening the Church

Greening the Church  Calling all volunteers!  We are decorating the church for Advent/Christmas on Sunday, Nov. 26 at 12:00 p.m. (after the 11:00 a.m. service). We need a lot of help transforming the church, so if you are able to help it would be much appreciated. Please meet us in the sanctuary.

Gifts that Give

Gifts that Give    Are you struggling to find that perfect gift for someone who has everything? Do you want to give a gift that will truly make a difference and get a tax deduction? This year Franconia UMC will be offering an opportunity to do just that with Gifts that Give. You can make a donation to a specified ministry of the church in honor or in memory of someone special in your life. Your name and the designees name…

Conversations on Race and Faith

Conversations on Race and Faith will not be meeting this month (November 12, 2023).  We apologize for the confusion.  Please email gro.cmuainocnarf@eciffohcruhc for any questions.

Veterans’ Day Recognition

Veterans’ Day Recognition  Each year we recognize all those in our congregation who have served in our nation’s military. We invite these men and women who have honorably served the United States of America for our freedom’s sake to attend worship (and if so inclined to wear your uniforms/medals) this Sunday, November 12 at our 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. worship service. The sacrifices made by each veteran and their families are much appreciated and we choose this time to honor those among us for…
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