Nurture & Care Focus Groups

Nurture & Care Focus Groups

Nurture & Care Focus Groups

Please email gro.cmuainocnarf@eciffohcruhc to be a part of any of this in any way you can.

  1. College/Military Outreach – Sarah Chambers, Lead: Supports FUMC young adults who are in college or the military, not living at home and between the ages of 18 and 30.
  2. Homebound – Lead needed: Maintains monthly contact via phone calls, cards, and notes with approximately 12 of our elderly congregants; updates the Pastor with regards to special needs of this group.  The Large Print Upper room and communion are given to home-bound members upon request. 
  3. Hospitality – Lead needed: Sets up for Fellowship on Sunday mornings (set up, clean up, etc.).  
  4. Prayer Shawls – Suzanne Ackley, Lead: FUMC and other local knitters and friends create shawls which are then distributed at no cost upon request to anyone wishing one for a friend/co-worker/loved one, etc.  Please email gro.cmuainocnarf@eciffohcruhc to request a prayer shawl.
  5. Meal Trains – Lead needed: FUMC folks sign up online to provide a meal to families who can use a break from meal planning and prep due to birth of a child, illness, death – any situation that creates a need for temporary support is considered.
  6. Grief support – Lead needed: We provide support to members who have lost a loved one.  Sends a letter from the pastor with books from Journeying through Grief.  
  7. Pocket Quilts – Lead needed: Pocket quilts are made using patriotic fabric. Instead of machine sewing, knots are tied to signify prayers and support given to service members. These are available to be picked up or mailed free of charge to anyone who would like one.