New Monday Night Bible Study

New Monday Night Bible Study

New Monday Night Bible Study beginning August 7th 

Hebrews: Grace and Gratitude by David DeSilva

7-8:30 p.m. on Zoom link

The Book of Hebrews helps us see the connection between God’s grace in our lives and the call to invest ourselves in God’s mission in the world. This study traces the themes of grace and gratitude through this unique New Testament book. In the Book of Hebrews, we discover a bold perspective on who Jesus is and what he has done, as well as a powerful reflection on the meaning and significance of his death and resurrection in light of the Old Testament. As you read and study this letter, we will receive a deeper appreciation for the salvation we have received through Christ and hear afresh God’s call to a life of gratitude and faithfulness.

Books can be purchased through Amazon or Cokesbury (scholarships available).  Please contact Pastor Melissa at gro.cmuainocnarf@assilemrotsap for more details.