Thanksgiving Devotional for Thursday, Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving Day)

Thanksgiving Devotional for Thursday, Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving Day)

The Blessings Jar — Debbie Gordon

Psalm 23:5 “My cup overflows with your blessings.”

Psalm 50:14 “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and pay your vows to the Most High.”

I think we all agree that 2020 has offered its fill of challenges with the pandemic and the related changes in our lives, but have we taken time to counter this thought by thanking God for His daily blessings as a result of this experience? When we think about blessings, our answers immediately go to family, shelter, food, love, and other basic needs. This year during Thanksgiving week, my family is going to reflect on the “overlooked blessings” for which to be grateful.  What are “overlooked blessings”?   To add a “twist” to your Thanksgiving tradition and encourage “thinking out of the box” (which we have been forced to do many times during this pandemic), I purchased a blessings jar to serve as our table centerpiece. Mark and I are challenging each other to reflect on 2020 and write down an “overlooked blessing” daily and place it in the blessings jar; discussion of these will be a part of our Thanksgiving meal.

To stimulate your thinking, I will share two of my personal “overlooked blessings” this year. The first one is technology to maintain interconnectedness in all aspects of life—work, school, health care, and personal interactions. Can you imagine not having technology and/or the skills to use it during this time? The conferencing platforms such as “Zoom” with basic packages offered at no cost may be a blessing and a curse to some; however, they are the best modes of communication with congregants when we can’t interact in person.  One of the things that I have missed most during the pandemic was attending church and fellowship with others.  Through technology we have had the opportunity to engage in virtual worship services, coffee and chat, communion, bible studies, and NOW, music, and children’s ministries events are able to continue in an online format.  Who would have envisioned our church calendar becoming as busy virtually as it was pre-pandemic? Since our church doors closed in mid-March, we have risen to the challenge to grow as Christians and gain greater awareness of self and our community in this unprecedented time. It’s not the physical church building of Franconia UMC, but the people that make up the body of Christ together!  I am blessed to be a part of Franconia UMC to foster my spirituality and provide service to others during this great time of need.

My second “overlooked blessing” this year is rest/relaxation.  The body and spirit need time to recharge and renew, which is often hindered by our hectic lives and schedules.  The pandemic has allowed us “downtime” – time to slow the pace, spend quality time with immediate family, and take time for personal/spiritual fulfillment. Time is a gift from God in today’s hurried world!  I have found myself taking naps without guilt, exercising daily without excuses, learning to meditate, reading, knitting prayer shawls, sharpening my photography skills, and enjoying nature. There is something spiritual about the stillness and inner peace that “downtime” brings to one’s soul.

So, what are the “overlooked blessings” in your life?  Every obstacle during the pandemic presents an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with God and improve our spiritual well-being. As you celebrate Thanksgiving this year, take time to reflect and Thank God for all of your abundant blessings!

Prayer:  Dear Father in Heaven:  You have given us the ultimate blessing through Your Son Jesus Christ, as stated in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” May we seek “to live into Your purpose” until such time that we transition into eternal life.  Thank You for all the countless blessings that You bestow on us daily; May we never underestimate Your goodness and unconditional love for us.  In Jesus’ Name We Pray, AMEN.