07/12: Update for Children and Youth Ministries

07/12: Update for Children and Youth Ministries

I hope this note finds you all doing well. I miss getting a chance to see everyone and connect with you. I’m taking this opportunity to let you all know about some new opportunities for our children and youth for the summer. While we have been away from being at church, we are still thinking about ways to keep connected.

Starting Monday July 13th,  we will be restarting Sunday School for our children. I know that the 13th is not a Sunday, but the videos will be released every Sunday following the 13th.  I will be recording videos for the children’s Sunday School, and they will be released on the youth Google Drive, and placed on the new Youth Sunday School Facebook page. If you would like to have access to these videos, please email me to let me know you are interested, I will send you the link for the Google Drive, and we will add you to the Facebook group. Sunday School for the youth will start on Sunday July 19th and it will be led by Susan Ruge-Hudson via Zoom. This will occur at 10:30 AM on Sundays. Please reach out to her if you would like the Zoom meeting information, her email is moc.liamg@egurlnasus.

We are looking forward to starting this new and exciting chapter of Sunday School, and hope that you will join us.

Also, I will be hosting a Zoom get together for the children, where everyone can stop in, say hi, and share what they have been doing. I will also be leading a scavenger hunt, where your children will search for household objects. I hope you can all join for this as well. I will send out a further email with the details, so please be on the lookout.

Lastly, for our youth, there will be a Youth and Young Adult Hiking Trip to Sugarloaf Mountain, MD on Saturday, July 18th from 11 AM-5 PM.  Kevin Lackie, an avid hiker, will be leading the trip.  He has already sent out an email regarding this opportunity.  If you didn’t receive the email, have questions, or to RSVP contact Kevin at gro.cmuainocnarf@cisum.

Again, I hope you all are doing well,