UMC in the News

UMC in the News

The United Methodist Church has made national news as it seeks to find a way forward towards its 2020 General Conference this May.

On January 3, 2020, the UMC issued a press release and accompanying FAQs about a possible plan to allow traditionalist-minded congregations to form a new denomination. Please read more about that here.

During her January 5 message to the congregation, Pastor Melissa Porter-Miller noted development of the plan and has asked all to stay in prayer as the church continues to look to a way forward at the May 2020 Conference. There is much work to be done before any changes would be official.

Members of FUMC adopted a new Welcoming Statement in November 2019 that reaffirms FUMC’s commitment to inclusion in the broadest meaning of that term. You can read the FUMC welcoming statement here.

Questions about the plan in general or about FUMC specifically can be directed to Pastor Melissa.